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About me

Brazilian Tech Savvy based in Helsinki, Finland. I am a Sales & Marketing professional navigating through StartUps, Medium and Large organisations and experienced in different fields, however specialised in Internationalisation and Education Export.



HSBC (Brazil)

PMO Intern

Pelissari (Brazil)  

Project Analyst

I started my professional career in Business as an intern at the Project Management Office at HSBC in Curitiba, Brazil. It was an amazing experience to have the opportunity to work with some of the best project managers in the country and have direct contact with executives in high positions. In this position I was responsible for the creation of executive presentations for national and international meetings. Besides that I was responsible for the Business Processes optimisation and documentation using Workflow Diagrams.


The HSBC is a multinational bank so all the employees have the opportunity to study Business English during their work hours. Using that opportunity I achieved the advanced level in Business English.


One of the biggest challenges I faced in this role was how to communicate with the VPs and the C level. I learned how to interact with executives in different levels and in different languages as well as to create executive presentations that could be used in various executive meetings in Brazil and abroad.

The second step on my business career was working for a SAP Consultancy Company called Pelissari. I was still in the University, however I got great responsabilities as a Project Analyst. In my day to day activities I was responsible to manage small SAP projects in Brazil, Argentina and Chile.


At that point I was able to work in Spanish for the first time and manage up to 30 projects at the same time, which was a challenge for a young professional. I managed to succeed due too my language and communication skills, being organised and having a multi task approach which allowed me to prioritise duties and lead multiple teams at once.

Elo Apoio Social e Ambiental (Brazil)

English and Marketing Teacher

Momice (The Netherlands)

Market Researcher

My first experience as a teacher came with this NGO that offers professional training for teenagers. I was able to teach English and Marketing for my own group of students and the results were great. That was the catalyst for my future as an Education Export Agent and EdTech passionate. Leading a group of students was a great way to understand Teaching and how to optimize it.

At Momice, a company that provide a software for event organizers, I was working with a team of young professionals conducting a Market Research in the Finnish market. The idea was to validate the market and create an entry strategy for Momice. Together we discovered that the Finnish market was not a good option for entry at the moment. Momice was pleased with the findings and results.

EdVisto (Finland)

Project Manager (Finland)

Sales and Marketing Analyst

EdVisto is an EdTech in the Story Telling field and in this project I was a Project Manager for a Social Media campaign for the Spanish market. Together with my team we created a Facebook campaign with a dedicated land page and multiple posts, all in Spanish. Once more I had the chance to work using my language skills and leading a team of 4 people.

In this position I had the chance to help opening the Brazilian market for this gamification platform called Seppo. It was my first time working with Education Export directly. I was responsible for Sales and Marketing and my tasks included training new users, organising and presenting workshops with teachers and schools and universities staff, writing blog posts, cold calling and sales presentations as well as promoting Seppo in fairs and events.

EdVisto (Finland)

Sales and Marketing Representative

The English School of Helsinki (Finland)

Assistant Teacher

Back to EdVisto and this time as a Sales and Marketing Representative. Working with sales in Latin America and supporting the recordings of a Podcast organised by EdVisto's CEO. In this role I was able to develop my marketing skills and gain experience in Podcasts, which is a great way to engage with people.

Working in the English School of Helsinki was an amazing experience for me. As an Assistant Teacher I was able to work with small groups of kids in various activities. I was also able to practice and develop my Finnish skills with the students that were not so comfortable speaking English. I was successful in this role because of my servant leadership and teaching/training skills. 

Soprano Plc (Finland)

Education Specialist

At Soprano Plc I was an Executive responsible for market research, contact with universities, presentations for decision makers, training for university teachers, and everything related to the Portuguese, French and Spanish speaking countries. I had the opportunity to go to Mozambique for a week to kick of a collaboration project with official meetings with decision makers of the Pedagogical University of Maputo (UP) and training of the teachers.


The project was a Teacher Training program where UP teachers got trained to teach other teachers about Finnish Student Centric Approach when it comes to teaching in all levels. The UP teachers were very engaged to the project and gave great feedback about the content and teaching methods used by the Finnish teachers and me acting as a translator and mediator between the two sides. (Finland)

International Marketing Manager

In Brazil we say that "a good son always come back home", so once more I came to work at but this time my task was to conduct a market research and supporting Sales & Marketing in Portugal and Spain. I had to do a thorough research on possible customers in the educational and corporate fields, competitors analysis, translations to Spanish and Portuguese and contacting leads among other tasks. I got the chance to support sales and train sales representatives in Latin America, which was an amazing experience for me.


Once again I was able to use my Language skills to help with translations and communications in Portuguese and Spanish. At this point I was already very comfortable working in Spanish and that helped me to understand better entry strategies on a hands on situation.

Entrepreneurs Without Borders (Sweden)

Social Media Manager

We speed up job creation, enable global impact and lower risk for investors. Our purpose is to promote a model of sustainable entrepreneurship, where all business is socially responsible, equal and strives towards one or more of the UN 17 SDGs.


As a Social Media manager my responsibilities are content creation, community management and making sure we speak the same language in all platforms. Other tasks related with my position are customer engagement, fund raising strategies and engaging staff and volunteers into the EWB culture.



Voiceover project for in the Brazilian market

In this project I was invited to do a voice over of a tutorial video targeting Brazilian teachers. It was a super fun project and I got the chance to work with amazing professionals. Doing voiceovers is quite natural and enjoyable for me. This was my second voiceover experience and I am looking forward for more.

Market Research in Spain and Portugal for

Spain flag.png

In this project I had more than 100 potential customers identified, produced a cultural review of the business and education sectors in both countries and made different translations for marketing purpose focusing in the Iberian Markets. 



Finland train teacher trainers in Mozambique


Teacher Education Programme between Finland and Mozambique. In this project I worked as a project manager, translator and interpreter during the classes. We trained a group of 20 university teachers that subsequently trained more than 200 teacher trainers in the country. The aim of the project was to improve the quality of teaching in Mozambique using Student Centric Approach, famous in Finland. The project was successful and I was praised by my language skills, capability to communicate in different levels and cultural understanding.


My Book Shelf

Home Deus.jpeg
Unknown Soldiers.jpeg
The sovereign individual.jpeg
Growth hacker marketing.jpeg
bitcoin standard.jpeg
ancient african kingdoms.jpeg
a winter book.jpeg
trust me im lying.jpg
Digital Marketing for Business 2022.jpeg
Made to Stick.jpg
How to influence people.jpg
the loudest duck.jpg
Rich dad poor dad.jpeg
tenda dos milagres_edited.jpg
HOw to write a good advertisement.jpg
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