In this blog post I will share with you several metrics that you can use to measure your Marketing efforts besides analysing your results with Sales after a campaign.
From a small business to a big organisation it might be unclear how to measure the success of a Marketing campaign. Most people think that the only way to do that is by analysing the Sales generated by the campaign.
That is not the truth and I will show you other forms to evaluate your campaigns and to make sure you are using the right tools to attract more customers and keep the current ones happy.
Bellow we will go through 5 ways to measure your Marketing campaign success without taking direct sales into consideration. Are you ready to start?
1- Cost per Lead
One good way to measure the cost-effectiveness of a Marketing campaign without considering the Sales results is using the cost per lead measurement.
This metric is all about lead generation through a campaign. Let's say the cost of a campaign was 1,000 euros and it generated 200 leads, then the cost per lead was 5 euros. The idea is to create campaigns that will have the lowest cost per lead possible.
Following this metric can help you to create better campaigns with a lower cost.
2- Conversion Rate
Commonly used on website, the conversion rate should also be used to measure the success of you Marketing campaign. The conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by the number of visitors in your campaign.
As an exemple, let's say your campaign had 1000 visitors and has generated 200 leads, the conversion rate is 200 divided by 1000, which means 20%.
In this case we used leads as an example, but the conversion can be related to any action that you want the user to take.
You can combine the conversion rate with bounce rate and other behaviour information to reveal more about the quality of the traffic your campaign is generating.
3- Subscriber growth
Analysing the subscriber growth is another great way to measure the effectiveness of a Marketing campaign. This KPI will enable you to measure the percentage growth of your account base over the campaign time.
Besides being a used to measure the results of your campaign you can use this metric to evaluate the performance of your content across social media and you website.
This metric enables marketers to measure the percentage growth of their account base over a specific period of time. Subscriber growth rate has emerged over the past few years as marketers increased their investment in content creation across blogs, websites, and YouTube. Subscriber growth rate is again a reliable content performance indicator.
4- Clicks
It might seem silly at first sight, however the clicks your campaign generate are one of the fundamental marketing metrics you have.
The click-through rate show you clearly whether you reached your targeted audience and managed to stand out among your competitors. For example, a low click-through rate will suggest that your target audience ignored your campaign or it was not interesting enough for them to click on.
5- Impressions
The last KPI in this post is the simple and straight forward number of impressions. Impressions will show you how many times your content was viewed by you target audience.
This is extremely important if you are growing brand awareness because you can see how many people you are reaching with your campaigns.
Together with impressions, the engagement on a single post basis is an amazing way to learn what kind of content work or not with your target audience.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are several ways to measure the success of your campaign and many different KPIs can be used to do it without using Sales in the metrics. I went through a few of them in this post, however there are several others to be used as well.
I am not saying that you shouldn't use Sales in you metrics, in fact you should. Although you definitely should take Sales into consideration, dont forget to use at least some of the KPIs above. You will have a way better understanding of the quality of your campaign and how to improve and succeed in the next one.
I hope you have enjoyed this short blog post and that you can apply some of what you got here in you business or work. Stay tuned for more posts regarding Sales & Marketing in a light and fun way. We love learning and sharing interesting content.
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